What is $BREW

Brew is a token on the Cardano Blockchain. It will act as a medium of exchange through various ways within the Fudbrew community. Below are a few examples of how we have already implemented $BREW in our coffee ecosystem.

  • Rewards

    Reward points for the purchase of various coffee products. As we develop one of the first ways to automate rewards on-chain bringing online retail and blockchain verifications together.

  • Marketing

    Marketing medium. As Fudbrew grows in popularity $BREW will act as a binding agreement for marketers and Fudbrew. Holding $BREW will ensure your goals and mindset are aligned with ours when marketing our products to various audiences.

  • Community Engagement

    Having a token with real value allows Fudbrew to participate in our growing community to help build Cardano. Having a token allows Fudbrew to keep up with the rapidly evolving chain forcing us to adapt and continue to build on chain. The token acts as a bridge from online retail to the Cardano blockchain.

  • Future Innovation

    As Cardano continues to grow, this allows Fudbrew to grow with it. Exploring solutions for on-chain speed, organization, and overall efficiency for online retail. This last section will remain open as we do not intend to limit the possibilities blockchain technology offers.

Token Facts

Total Supply


This is a capped supply as no other tokens will be minted. This prevents our token from becoming diluted within our ecosystem.

Company Wallet

As we work on solutions to ensure fair decentralized holdings the majority of our tokens are still held in our company wallet.

We are looking for safe alternatives to lock our LP (Liquidity Pool) tokens in the near future. As a lot of this technology is still new we are aware of current solutions. We are studying them closely and want to ensure maximum security and responsibility

For a majority of the actual tokens we intend to lock them in the smart contract that will act as our automated reward system.

( still being developed )

Policy ID

Policy ID: 6f0d19b97761a48b53438e926c63a2a75ec1aaa3f763a4f7070c2589

As we continue to grow impersonators of Fudbrew will arise. Do your due diligence and ensure you are interacting with the correct token.


As the majority of the remaining tokens that are not in supply will be locked in smart contracts a small percentage will be used as payment.

We have paid various community members in $BREW for custom art, label designs, and the use of their NFT IP. We will never pay individuals in $BREW for the promotion of our brand. We have a different structure for this which was mentioned previously on the page.